Who are we?:
For more information about the Provincial Sexual Exploitation Strategy visit https://www.gov.mb.ca/fs/traciastrust/index.html
As part of the Manitoba Sexual Exploitation Strategy, ISEE's mission is a province free of sexual exploitation using a regional community–mobilization approach to prevent and eradicate child sexual exploitation.
- The Interlake Sexual Exploitation Educators (ISEE) is a committee that is based out of Selkirk and covers the Interlake region.
- We are made up of people from formal & informal organizations, groups, schools, agencies as well as concerned community members
- We are dedicated to sharing education and awareness of child and youth sexual exploitation to our community members
- Most of our education takes place in classrooms via presentations we give to the youth in grades 7012 across the Interlake
- We also sponsor guest speakers to come and present to our kids as well as host parent nights (Val Caldwell, Carol Todd, ICE unit)
- Current membership includes representation from CFS, schools and school administration, Selkirk friendship centre, regional health authority, law enforcement, community members, Youth, Selkirk Huddle, and other community groups!
- The I-SEE committee has open membership, and welcomes any stakeholder who would like to participate and increase awareness of the issue of sexual exploitation of children, youth and adults. Feel free to contact us if you are interested.
For more information about the Provincial Sexual Exploitation Strategy visit https://www.gov.mb.ca/fs/traciastrust/index.html
As part of the Manitoba Sexual Exploitation Strategy, ISEE's mission is a province free of sexual exploitation using a regional community–mobilization approach to prevent and eradicate child sexual exploitation.